
The FY23 FSS NOFO has been published on!
Want does this mean for you? Check below to see if you need to apply!
View the updated Appendix D (for renewals) and Appendix E (for unfunded new applicants) to see if you already submitted a FY23 funding request with the FY22 NOFO, then:
1.    If you have a FY23 request and are happy with it, you're done! YOU DO NOT NEED TO SUBMIT ANOTHER APPLICATION.
2.    If you have a FY23 funding but are NOT happy with it, you may submit an application via THIS WILL REPLACE YOUR EARLIER APPLICATION FOR FY23.
3.    If you do NOT have a FY23 funding request and would like to be funded, you will need to submit a complete application via
Please see the FSS Funding Opportunity Page or contact for more information.

FAQs on FSS FY23 Funding
Q1. What if I applied for two years of funding in the FY22 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) last year?
A1. We will consider your second-year request for FY23 when we plan to issue grants later this year (please check Appendix D for renewal applicants & Appendix E for unfunded new applicants).
Q2.  What if I want to change (increase or decrease) the amount of funds I requested for FY23?
A2. If you have an eligible FY22 application on file (please check Appendix D for renewal applicants & Appendix E for unfunded new applicants) and are satisfied with your existing FY23 funding request, you do not have to respond to our verification request, and we simply will consider any eligible request that we already have on file. If you want to increase or decrease your FY23 request, you may now apply through until the deadline, and we will consider your most recent application on file for funding. Please note that any funding requests above your Maximum Annual Award plus an Annual Cost Adjustment of 5% must have an approved Exception Request.
Q3. I already have an eligible FY22 application on file. How much may I request for FY23?
A3. You may request as much as you need to fully fund the eligible salary and fringe expenses for the number of positions for which you are eligible, but we may only approve awards in accordance with the terms of the FY22 NOFO. Please note again that any funding requests above your Maximum Annual Award plus an Annual Cost Adjustment of 5% must be have an approved Exception Request.
Q4. What if I applied for only one year of funding in the FY22 NOFO last year?
A4. Most FY22 applicants applied for a second year of funding. For those few that did not make such a request (please check Appendix D for renewal applicants & Appendix E for unfunded new applicants), you may now apply through until the deadline, and we will consider your most recent application on file for funding.
Q5. What if I was an eligible new applicant in FY22 but was not funded through the new applicant lottery?
A5. If you have an eligible FY22 application on file, your FY22 application will be considered as part of any new applicant lottery for FY23. You will not need to apply again in FY23 to be considered for any FY23 new applicant lottery.
Q6. How do I know whether I have an eligible FY22 application on file for FY23 funding?
A6. Please take a look at Appendix D (for a full list of applicants who were funded in FY22) and Appendix E (for a full list of eligible new applicants who were not selected in the lottery for funding in FY22).
Q7. If I am in Appendix D or Appendix E, should I apply again under the FY22 NOFO via
A7. We strongly discourage anyone with a already-submitted funding request in Appendix D or Appendix E from submitting a new FY23 application, since it will override your existing application on file.  HUD will only review the last application on file. Please do not apply again unless you have a genuine need to do so.
Q8. What if I applied as a new applicant in FY22 and no longer want to be considered for funding in FY23?
A8. Please have your Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) send an email with your application number in the subject line (see Appendix E) as soon as possible to stating that you wish to withdraw your application for FY23.
Q9. What if I was eligible for renewal funding in FY22 but did not apply or was not funded?
A9. If you do not have an eligible FY22 application on file (see Appendix D), we plan to accept FY23 FSS applications via the FY22 FSS NOFO on later this summer, at which time you may apply for one year of FY23 funding.
Q10. What if I want a new grant and did not apply in FY22?
A10. You may apply for a single year of funding for FY23 though the FY22 FSS NOFO on later this summer. If eligible, your application will be considered as part of any new applicant lottery for FY23.
Q11. What if I applied as a new applicant in FY22 and was found ineligible?
A11. All eligibility requirements for FY23 will be the same as in FY22. There is nothing in the FSS NOFO that changes the eligibility criteria if you were to apply again with the exact same application in FY23.
